March 3rd, 2:45PM
The surgery is complete, and according to the doctor, went as well as it possibly could. She was very pleased with Mom's procedure. She is on her way to her room right now from recovery. She is awake, alert, and aware at this point. Thank you for all of your prayers.
The pictures are from the squares on her quilt. The top one is from her good friend Chris Ashburn, who passed away after a courageous battle with cancer about a week ago. She was quite an inspiration to Mom. She came and sat with her during chemo, and coached her through her fight, all the while fighting her own battle. Seeing this square on her quilt was very hard for Mom.
The bottom square is from Nancy Brinker. Nancy was Susan G. Komen's sister, and is founder of the Komen Race for the Cure. She is now Chief of Protocol for the Bush White House. The Bakers jumped through some serious hoops to get that one signed. It literally went from the White House, to Budapest, back to the White House, and then here.
I can not explain the feelings that I could see in my Mom's face when she received the quilt. She was clearly overwhelmed. Thank you all again for all of your support.
Praying for a speedy recovery for you, Barb. Thanks for the updates, Grant!
I have sent good wishes via "media mail" that should arrive to Barb's home soon. I also have asked my minister/chaplain friend (Dwight Winnett) and the people in the prayer support group at Northwoods Church to pray for both Barb and her sister. Thanks for the many updates, and I hope that Barb likes what I mailed to her today.
Cheryl K.
So glad to hear the surgery went well, Barb. Hope your recovery is a quick one. We'll just keep sending prayers up!
Thanks, Grant, for the updates. You are pretty awesome to be so involved on this journey with your mom -- Love and blessings, Paula
Great to hear your surgery went well. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during your recovery. Please don't hesitate to let us know if there are any needs we can help with. Thanks for the updates Grant.
Greg E.
I enjoyed visiting with you on Saturday. You looked great. I'm glad to hear your surgery went well and you're on the road to a full recovery. Enjoyed seeing the beautiful and inspirational quilt.
Barb, we are so relieved to hear from Grant's updates that your surgery went well - one more hurdle accomplished! Congtatulations on this achievement! Hugs, Linda
Barb, all of your Caterpillar friends here in event planning are so relieved to hear from Grant's updates that your surgery went well - Congtatulations on this achievement. We are thinking of you every day. RME
Barb & Grant
Thanks for all the updates on Barb. I didn't want to bother you yesterday, because I knew you would probably be tired. Sounds like everything went well for you and wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care and hope to talk to you soon. If you need anything let me know.
Liz Allen @ A.G. Edwards
that is so amazing and great that they went through so much and were able to get that for your mom!!! That is wonderful! We still continue to pray for your family!
If there is anything else we can do, please let us know!
Shannon, Ken, Taylor and Blake
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