Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Best Days Are The Days That Babies Are Born

Pictured above is Blake and Lisa Shamrock's newest addition to their family, Cadyn Alan Shamrock. Cadyn was born today and 1:36PM and he weighed 10 lbs. 2 oz! He joins big brother Tyler at home. He is the second grandchild for Aunt Kathy and Uncle Al. Congratulations, Blake and Lisa!

Speaking of Aunt Kathy, she is marching through chemotherapy like a pro. This cancer business is full of surprises, but she is taking this in stride. She had a rough week after the first treatment, but the second, a little over a week ago has barely phased her. She and Uncle Al spend the Easter Holiday in San Marcos with daughter, Beth Ann. Here's to half down, two more to go!

Mom continues to get along quite well. She started driving again last week, and has been walking around the neighborhood since about a week after her surgery. She even brings a dog along on her walks, although she still needs to wrap the leash around her waist to prevent any potential pulling. Radiation is scheduled to start in a couple of weeks, pending the approval of her oncologist. There is a slight chance that the oncologist will recommend a little more chemo, but based on her pathology results and speaking to the surgeon, we are optimistic that this will not be the case.

She is very excited that the weather is cooperating as she starts to get better. She is also thrilled to have her hair coming back in, just ask her. I like to tease her and tell her that it is coming in white, but truthfully it looks pretty dark. Below is a picture of her new hair. I know it doesn't look like much, but according to her it feels longer than it looks.

As always, thank you all for your support.

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