After a week of testing we finally met with the oncologist today. Mom's oncologist will be Dr. Le-Lindqwister. She seemed like a great doctor. We got some great news early on in the visit. According to the PET scan the cancer had not spread anywhere else in her body. The breast and a single lymph node were the only areas that tested positive. This came as a great relief to everyone after we had heard earlier in the week that the one lymph node had been malignant.
The next step in the treatment will be chemotherapy. Treatment will start Monday with her first round. She will be on a schedule to receive chemo every two weeks. It will be a total of six treatments. The first four stages will last about 90 minutes, and last two will be about 4 1/2 hours each. They have a very comfortable facility and patients are encouraged to watch a movie, read a book, or even take a nap during the treatments.
Words can not express what a relief we felt today. There is still a long road ahead, but it's a lot easier to handle when you know exactly what you're up against, and the plan to beat it. This was very good news to start what will certainly be a very good weekend.
Thank you to everyone for your prayers and continued support.
What wonderful news! We will continue to pray for you during your treatment.
Barb, The prayers are being answered. I know the chemo will work wonders and with your strenght and faith, you'll kick this hard - at least you can out run it. You hang in there, call if you need anything, know that I love you and will keep up the prayers. Susan
Praise the Lord-we give Him all the praise. That is wonderful news and we are so happy for you. You have so many people praying for you and we know that you can and will beat this! Love, Karen
This is great news - I have been praying for you ever since your diagnosis. You are a survivor in every sense of the word, Barb; you can beat this, and all of your many friends and supporters will be cheering for you all the way. The Race for the Cure will be even more meaningful now! Linda
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