Thursday, November 15, 2007

Chemotherapy: Round 2

Well, round two of chemotherapy has come and gone. The effects on Mom came earlier this time, but were much milder than the last round. We hope that the first round, although it was the same treatment, just shocked her body. Moving forward, we are hoping that the following treatments have as mild of consequences.

The great thing about this second treatment is the fact that we are half way through the worst part. The first four arms of the chemo are, by all accounts, the hardest. One of the drugs that they use is nicknamed "the red devil." If that's not something to be nervous about, I'm not quite sure what is.

The next two to four arms (the number for the last stage depends on her progress) are said to be much easier. At 4 1/2 hours they take a lot longer, but are said to have fewer after effects.

It was very nice that Mom was feeling better on her birthday. We were a little nervous, based on last time, that Wednesday would be her worst day. That couldn't have been further from the truth. The sun even came out for a while. Her day was truly brightened by all of the calls, cards, flowers and gift baskets which arrived throughout the day. To all her friends and family: you really know how to make someone's day! It was nice to see her smiling all day. I will post more when we have more news. Remember, no news is good news. Thank you for all of your support.


Auntieslam11 said...

Hi Barb and family - good to hear about the second round going so well. We are all praying for you out here in Oregon. Wish I was there and able to give you a hug. Just know that we love you and know that the Lord has big plans for you! Love you lots! Sue/Fred/Bonnie/Betsy VanCurler, your cousins in Lebanon Oregon

Unknown said...

Hey there Barb, glad to hear that round 2 went well, and that you are able to keep your spirits up. Elda and I are praying for you daily, and we know that God will provide the strength you need each day. Have a good week. Love,
Andy and Elda Robinson, Watsonville, CA