Well, we are three-quarters of the way through the chemotherapy treatments, and everything is still going as planned. We met with the oncologist on Monday, and she felt that the chemo treatments could not be going better. Mom only has two treatments remaining before her surgery. Her next treatment is scheduled for Monday the 21st of January.
This last treatment has made her a little more tired than the past one, but she is still feeling better than she did after the first four. I think this one may have hit her a little harder than the last, as they were not spread out quite as far as the others due to the Christmas holiday. She started to experience a good deal of the joint and muscle pain after the last update (I believe it was on the Sunday after Christmas), but has not had any problems with this treatment yet. We will keep our fingers crossed.
All of this warm weather has gotten her out of the house more. As a result dogs have enjoyed several long walks during this warm weather streak. Even though the weather is no longer warm, it is very nice to see the sun out today. The sun reminds Mom of how eager she is to get this behind her and get out with her running friends again.
Speaking of getting things behind them, Aunt Kathy is healing quite nicely in Dallas. Since her release from the hospital on Sunday she has become more active each day. She met with one of her surgeons today, and they confirmed that she is healing well. She has another doctor's appointment tomorrow, and we expect the same report. As I mentioned, she is getting stronger and feeling better as each day goes by.
As always, thank you you again for all of your support.
Glad to hear that things are going well. Our prayers continue to be directed for you, Barb, and also for Kathy. Looking forward to getting to see you sometime soon. California seems so far away from Illinois, but we have a great God who can keep us connected anyway.
May God give you the strength you need to face each daily challenge.
With Love,
Andy and Elda Robinson
Watsonville Ca.
Besides good medicine, Barb, it sounds like you have something more important than all -- the gift of loved ones and friends who keep you in their prayers. It's a journey, dear friend, that you take one step at a time. Love and blessings always . . . Paula
I am continuing to pray for both you and your sister.
Barb, I lost your blog when my computer crashed, but kept up with your progress thru Pat Brown. She sent me your blog today, and I am happy you are doing so well. We are praying for Kathy too; in a bitter sweet way, sharing your experiences will bring you even closer together. You have so many admirers and friends who care about you - we are pulling & praying for you all the way. I think you look beautiful as ever without hair! Grant should be an author or journalist - he has a wonderful writing ability, and is doing such a good job keeping us posted on your progress. Keep up the fight - the hardest part is over! Love and prayers, Linda
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