Her hair is gone now, shaved off last week, as it was starting to fall out on it's own. For the most part the confusion is gone now. She will have an MRI in a few weeks to determine how successful the radiation was. From there they will decided what the next step is. If they are satisfied with the results they may do nothing else. If they feel that they can make some more progress with radiation, they may start her on that again. Lastly, if they feel that there are still a few trouble spots that they want to address, that would not warrant total radiating the whole brain again, the may opt to use the Gamma Knife. The Gamma Knife procedure is a non-invasive technique that focuses radiation on specific parts of the brain. This is a very common procedure for brain cancer, and is painless.
I will update everyone when we get the results from the MRI and know more. As always, thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers.